Thursday, November 4, 2010


PAS 220 is made up of the core requirements specified in ISO 22000 under sub clause 7.2.3, but with the additional requirements that have been considered important and relevant to the food manufacturing process. A brief summary is given below

1. The scope - applicable to all food manufacturing organizations.
2. Normative reference identifies the reference materials.
3. 19 terms and definitions to compliment the 82 in ISO 9001 and 17 in ISO 22000
4. The construction and layout of buildings for contamination control and prevention.
5. The layout of premises and workspace
6. Utilities - air, water, energy covering water quality, approved chemicals, ventilation etc.
7. Waste disposal - containers for waste or hazardous substances, waste management, drains and drainage.
8. Equipment suitability, cleaning and maintenance specifies that equipment should be made of material inert to the food being processed.
9. The management of purchased materials covers the selection of suppliers and the handling of received goods.
10. Physical, microbiological and allergen contamination is covered in the section dealing with measures for prevention of cross contamination.
11. Cleaning and sanitizing
12. Pest Control including pest control programs, preventing access, harbourage and infestations, monitoring and detection, and eradication.
13. Personnel hygiene and employee facilities - locker facilities, toilets, staff canteens and designated areas. It also addresses work wear, protective clothing, health status, illness and injury, employee cleanliness and behavior in a processing and warehousing environment.
14. Rework is an integral part of the process with regard to traceability and allergen control. Repackage is also considered as rework material.
15. Product recall procedures include the requirement for a key contact list and traceability of product produced under similar conditions as the recall product.
16. Warehousing - cleanliness, dryness, ventilation, dust and temperature control, separate areas for storage of chemicals, and designated areas for non-conforming materials. Warehouse practices such as FIFO/FEFO, vehicle upkeep and maintenance.
17. Product information/consumer awareness - how information is presented to the consumer to facilitate informed decisions.
18. Food defense, biovigilance and bioterrorism - protective measures to guard against acts of terrorism, tampering, sabotage and access control.